Research Products.



We have designed the Leap100 to be the most efficient plasma power source on the market. The Leap100 reactors can be matched with our range of pin electrodes & water reactors.

  • Discharge voltage
    up to 80kV (pp)

    Resonance frequency
    30 – 125kHz (Match to your reactor)

    Discharge frequency
    100Hz – 3000 Hz

    50W – 700W

  • Plasma frit water reactors

    Direct discharge underwater reactor description

  • Top pin electrode
    150mm x 200mm

    Button flat electrode
    200mm x 250mm

    Distance between electrodes
    up to 55mm

  • • Operates over large areas and discharge gaps - even for atmospheric air or MAP gases

    • No need for noble gases to operate - only atmospheric air is required - significantly reducing operational costs

    • Allows the user to treat 96 well plates for data rich experiments and rapid screening

    • Digital and touch screen control over operational variables which may be changed during operation. Smart design facilitates ease of use & improves the overall user experience.

    Pin protocol: cancer cells 96 well plate

Scientific Articles & Journals

Read the growing body of scientific literature developed using our technology.